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Action Platformer Prototype

I wanted to create a Third Person Platformer that relies on a Climbing System while Interacting with elements typical of this genre. Players also unlock a Hook which greatly enhances their mobility capabilities. Finally, i added two time control mechanics: Time Rewind and Time Stop.

They all offer a lot of control of the enviroment when used all together. They are used to  make players reflect in how to reveal a path that seems hidden by using their available means and time-based reasoning. 


Ancla 1



Provides traditional climbing mechanics such as ledge grab, climb up and down, jump vertically and horizontally, turn corners or jump backwards.

These actions offer a fun way of interacting with the enviroment that allows using certain edges to reach the goal.

My goal was to present these systems one by one and gradually introduce challenges that require their combination in a certain way. They affect each other, making independent mechanics evolve unleashing new game dynamics with previously known skills.

I´ve tried to make players discover that there were more applications to their actions than they may have thought at first.


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